Monday, December 8, 2008

The BEST Cat!

Less than 10 days until departure for Brazil and 6 sleeps until we leave our comfortable home. I know one of the things I will miss the most is our cat, Kiko. Kiko came to us in September, as he was Marnie and Bert's cat that we inherited when they moved to Brazil. I haven't always been a cat person, but Kiko is the best. He greets us with a friendly meow and is generally very chatty, he is also a great cuddler on a cold fall night. We've thought of taking him to China...probably not a great idea.
This whole big trip thing is becoming more real as things to do get checked off the list. I haven't taken more than 3 to 4 weeks off work since I started doing massage 10 years ago, so a break will be nice. I am looking forward to some sun in Brazil, then immersing myself in China and Chinese medicine and seeing where that takes me, and my practice. As much as I am looking forward to being away, the excitement of coming back and being an Acupuncturist, and all the learning that will take place, is definitely on my mind.

Thanks for reading.


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