Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Countdown!

Time's ticking by as it is 3 weeks today that we leave Vancouver for Rio! There has been a lot going on with the R.Ac. exam, and life in general taking up lots of time. Now we are all too aware of how fast it is going. In the next 3 weeks we have to pack up our house, say goodbye to friends and begin a 6 month adventure that is sure to be life changing. I am already very conscious of the things I will miss, like clean air, pedestrian friendly drivers, and being able to understand the language. At the same time I am excited about what I will see and experience and am thrilled to be doing it all with Lesley!


1 comment:

Big Dave said...

Hey you two,
This is my first response to a blog, and since I'll probably be doing a lot more of it over the next few months, I thought I'd better start practicing....
If you get this, - my love to both of you. If you don;t, I guess I'll need more practice........... Big D